Category Archives: Blog?

Keep Feeling

I realise that my illness has got a few people worried, especially that they wouldn’t know whether it’s something that they’ve got hiding away. So here’s an unofficial guide to testicular cancer screening.

Dear all the men out there, especially those between 16 and 35. Your balls matter, and there’s a tiny chance that they will get overexcited at some point and the cells will multiply too quickly. DON’T PANIC. It’s very curable, and easy to spot.

At the moment you hopefully have two testicles. You’ve had them since you were a little boy, even if you didn’t know what they were for. You may have named them, you may have a favourite, you might even have touched them at some point. Some people report[citation needed] that this is a pleasurable activity. Regardless of that, you should make sure they’re behaving themselves. Take one in each hand and give them a gentle squeeze. They should feel firm but with a little softness. Most importantly they should feel the same. Check them out carefully and systematically. It’s not rocket science, compare the two and see whether they feel uniform and equivalent. IF THEY FEEL DIFFERENT THEN GET THEM CHECKED OUT. Congratulations, you’re now qualified. Repeat this procedure every couple of weeks.

For more professional information, check out Macmillan Cancer Support


Chemo round 2 (day 8)

As requested, a quick update. Yesterday was my first trip back to hospital, to get a second dose of one of the lovely cytotoxic drugs. Unlike last time it only took a few hours, and was carried out in the chemotherapy day unit. Despite being slanderously described as “the cancer farm” by one worried / frustrated wife, it was very comfortable and efficient. There were several rooms, each of which seeming to house ever more people plugged into beeping machinery all of which was going off at different intervals, yet the nurses were on the scene very quickly whenever it was my turn to be plugged / unplugged.

The tea was plentiful and hot, and they even managed to find some sandwiches left over so that I could have a second lunch. One side-effect of haveing a low red-blood count seems to be an insatiable desire for red meat and carbs, whereas I have no sweet tooth at all.

That’s all for now, I’m off on my daily constitutional down to the river.

Chemo 3

Only one drug infusion to go now, starts about 12 so I should be home this evening!


At the moment I’m even mobile, as I don’t have my drip running at all. No comedy/tragedy to report from last night I’m afraid, just a regular pattern of sleeping and heading to the loo, then straight back to sleep again. How dull.

Having a desk to work procrastinate at is a real bonus though, very comfortable compared to bring stuck in bed all the time.


Chemo day 2

I’m pretty lucky here in some ways, this was my view from thread hospital window this morning:


Unfortunately this had to be taken fairly early, and I didn’t get much sleep. I sat up until 12 talking to the other two guys in the bay, one of whom then woke us up at 2 with uncontrollable shits. And again at 6, when it was time for the ward to come to life. I managed another snooze listening to BBC radio four (thanks guys) but lie-ins are a pipe dream around here.

A long drug infusion through the night made me feel a bit sick, but they gave me the magic drugs which worked wonders. Only side effects, temporarily I had veins a junkie would be proud of. Gone now though, even when this picture was taken they were fading ๐Ÿ™‚


Chemo blog 1

Right then. For those of you who haven’t heard, I had testicular cancer. It was fine, the hospital were very good and the tumour is all gone. Please don’t be upset if I haven’t told you personally, it’s kind of awkward. Now I’m back for a short course of chemotherapy to clear my system out and then it’ll all be over.

It turns out this mostly involves two things: sitting around waiting, and pissing. A lot. There’s 500 ml of saline going into my arm every hour, along with as much tea and water as I can manage so that my kidneys keep active. The food so far is fine, but don’t drink the coffee. Most importantly there is wifi.

Here are my first drugs on their way in:


Testing 123

Right then. After a week of chasing my new phone has arrived. A Sony Xperia arc AS on Androidย  ๐Ÿ™‚
Let’s see how it copes with mobile blogging. Cue blog rant: dial-a-phone might be cheap but it’s a right hassle if you need to call them!

The Rest of Christmas

Slight oxymoron that one, as Christmas was very busy for us both. Boxing Day saw me blast up the A1 to Huddersfield to meet Sonya’s cousins, catch up with Andy from her lab and meet up with some of her schoolfriends, then it was back to Loddon for another round of dinner parties. We made it to the New Year, when we staggered to a little cottage near Bury St Edmunds to recover before going back to work. I can definitely recommend The Old Manse Barn if you’re looking for a comfortable and well-looked after break.