Chemo day 2

I’m pretty lucky here in some ways, this was my view from thread hospital window this morning:


Unfortunately this had to be taken fairly early, and I didn’t get much sleep. I sat up until 12 talking to the other two guys in the bay, one of whom then woke us up at 2 with uncontrollable shits. And again at 6, when it was time for the ward to come to life. I managed another snooze listening to BBC radio four (thanks guys) but lie-ins are a pipe dream around here.

A long drug infusion through the night made me feel a bit sick, but they gave me the magic drugs which worked wonders. Only side effects, temporarily I had veins a junkie would be proud of. Gone now though, even when this picture was taken they were fading 🙂


3 thoughts on “Chemo day 2

  1. Angie

    OK phew, you are on day 2. For a while there I thought I’d lost a day somewhere. Hope wards are conducive to afternoon naps, if not lie-ins!

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