Tag Archives: movember

Chris O’Dowd’s big floaty balls

This might be jumping onto the Movember bandwagon a bit, but it’s an under-occupied bandwagon that is worth jumping onto. Chris O’Dowd (of the IT Crowd, Bridesmaids etc, not to be confused with this handsome Dr.) has lent his name and acting talents to a campaign to raise awareness of testicular cancer via a giant, scrotum-shaped, hot air balloon:

Donate here if you want to see a giant nut-sack flying around the countryside. Donations are taken from your account now, but if the project fails to meet its £100 000 goal the money will be refunded. I’m looking forward to my testicular tea-mug, but even if you don’t donate to the campaign please remember to keep an eye/hand on your manly bits.

Movember – Day 3

My Dad is taking part in Movember as well, and is about as pro-mo as Sonya. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him anything other than completely clean-shaven, and unlike me he doesn’t seem to harbour a latent desire for a nice shaggy beard, so this will be a bit of a challenge.

Mo-update – definitely visible in the right light, dim evening lights can make it look like just stubble…


Movember – Day 1

For the uninitiated, Movember involves growing a moustache to raise money and awareness for male cancer.

For the initiated, which now includes all of you, I’m taking part in Movember along with my Dad and as many other people as can be persuaded. I’ll be charting my hirsuteness here and at my Movember webspace, through which you can donate money to various good causes. Any contributions, however small, are gratefully received and will help me to justify the beautiful ‘tache to Sonya, who is about as keen on facial hair as she is on Hitler. Ooh, hang on, now there’s a good idea!

Technically it’s moustache day one today, but since you start with a clean face it’s actually five-o-clock shadow from my midnight shearing, selective hair preservation begins tonight!

Please note the background – a working LC-MS machine! This has been broken since I started my post-doc, so I can finally get going on the sample analysis 🙂