Tag Archives: Budapest
Budapest Pictures 1
Budapest 3
Budapest 2
Today’s photo: Hungarian Parliament. Modelled on Westminster it’s the world’s third largest parliament building. I woke up at 7 to queue for tickets for a free guided tour, and it was well worth it.
RIP Predator Cam
My trusty Sony V1 camera is about 6 years old now, and the batteries have had it. So I bought a new camera, and have been running around Budapest trying it out. As you do. It’s a Sony a-500 DSLR which seems to be fun, if complicated.
I’ve shunned the traditional tourist highlights for the time being, although there are still a few days to go the the relevant museums etc. I’ve found that museums have fairly awkward photography rules, mostly that they advertise a photography price at the entrance but refuse to let you take pictures anyway… Zoos and botanical gardens have none of that nonsense, so I could play with the camera to my heart’s content.
Many photos will follow I’m sure, but here is a taster 🙂
Unfortunately we’ve been stung by the exchange rate – I took out my travel money last Thursday and since then Hungary has had debt problems and the exchange rate has got 15% better. Luckily most things are still pretty cheap here – £1 a pint in most bars and £2 for bottle of wine from a supermarket 🙂