Tag Archives: poo

Rob 2 Merde 1

Three days down, two days in the lab, and still just the one merde incident. I feel like keeping a track of the number of times I successfully dance across the pavement, avoiding another well-laid trap. However, keeping score like this is fruitless; if I score a point each time I avoid some, I effectively lose a million points each time I fail.

On a lighter note, the food today has been great. For lunch we had the plat-du-jour at a local Spanish restaurant, a fantastic paella stuffed with chicken, prawns and saffron. Back in the lab the lasers are switching between playing ball and playing up, but data is appearing quickly at least and I will have plenty to keep me busy over the winter. This evening I wandered around the Christmas-lit city centre with Lauren (who is being paid to do a masters here!) but unfortunately it was raining and I’d left my camera at the hotel, so pictures will have to wait until another night.

One foot in the merde

Anyone who has read Stephen Clarke’s “Merde” series will remember the lengthy description of the author’s battle with Parisian canines in the first of the series, A Year In The Merde. No matter how carefully he trod, their nocturnal faecal distribution network would outsmart his shoes. 4 hours in and I have myfirst merde moment, hooray. Turns out that shoes with nobbly grips on the bottom aren’t the easiest to clean 🙁

Vin rouge is nice though…