Tag Archives: picture

Mountain lodge

Moving away from the heat, tonight I’m staying in the countryside at a mountain lodge operated by the National Taiwan University. We had a beautiful (unfortunately camera-free) sunset, followed by some fantastic food:

Earlier in the day however, we were slightly hotter. Niels and I were sampling in a river valley in the full sun, at 34 degrees and near 100% humidity. I’m now drinking my sixth litre of water for today. Sampling from 10.00 until 4.30, we have managed to get 40-odd samples which should give me plenty to do back in Cambridge, and if the results are ok a chapter of my thesis. Sounds scary talking about that sort of thing, but it’s a reality I am having to face up to quite quickly.

Taroko Gorge

Today I went to Taroko Gorge, which was awesome. The weather was cooler and less humid than Taipei, although hiking was still tiring. We met up with a park ranger who has been conscientiously collecting samples for Niels for years, who took us to a fresh landslide which we spent several hours clambering over and sampling. Then I went for a walk up the gorge, and found this:

At the bottom are hot spring pools, the photo is taken from a rickety suspension bridge over the river.

RIP Predator Cam

My trusty Sony V1 camera is about 6 years old now, and the batteries have had it. So I bought a new camera, and have been running around Budapest trying it out. As you do. It’s a Sony a-500 DSLR which seems to be fun, if complicated.

I’ve shunned the traditional tourist highlights for the time being, although there are still a few days to go the the relevant museums etc. I’ve found that museums have fairly awkward photography rules, mostly that they advertise a photography price at the entrance but refuse to let you take pictures anyway… Zoos and botanical gardens have none of that nonsense, so I could play with the camera to my heart’s content.

Many photos will follow I’m sure, but here is a taster 🙂

Unfortunately we’ve been stung by the exchange rate – I took out my travel money last Thursday and since then Hungary has had debt problems and the exchange rate has got 15% better. Luckily most things are still pretty cheap here – £1 a pint in most bars and £2 for bottle of wine from a supermarket 🙂


It is the 29th birthday of the University today, so there were activities all morning including some obscure frisbee target-practice game. In teams of five, each member had three throws at a target made of magnetic numbers. Whoever knocked out the most points won something. I say something, because apparently we won and I might get a delivery on Monday. There seemed to be a lot of missing for what was quite a short throwing distance and so I was quite puzzled by how I seemed to be the only person able to hit the target more than once with my three throws. My 16 points took our team up to 29 points overall, at which point there were a few high-fives and we all sloped off for some lunch, which mostly consisted of “seafood my grandmothers would have avoided”

In the afternoon I went sightseeing Sparkie-style, which is mostly a diffusion process. It involved wandering around the local area for a while, then deciding to head into the city. The shiny new metro system has a touch-screen map to choose your destination, so I chose at random and got off when it reached my stop. Using the map and my GPS I discovered I was a short walk from the Central Park, so I went there. Here is the result: