Category Archives: Photos


Scientific conferences: everyone thinks they’re just glorified booze-ups but more often than not you spend nine or ten hours a day sitting in stuffy rooms in a concrete box located in an industrial complex in the suburbs of a city you would never have visited if you had the choice. Luckily I spent last week in Montpellier, where they have beaches, sunshine and 30C. Yet somehow I still managed to spend nine or ten hours a day being bored, confused or, occasionally, inspired. Now Last week was the Euromat conference, during which I pretended to be a materials scientist and learned about composites, hip replacements, solar cells, railway line degradation and hundreds of talks about carbon nanotubes. This week, I’m doing it all again. Geology replaces materials, but the rain of Switzerland replaces the French sunshine. More on this later, once the freezing cold and shocking prices have properly kicked in.

In the mean time, here are some photos from Montpellier.


Fake degree day AD (after downing)

Having received no bribes not to publish, nor any superinjunctions, it’s time to talk about the second half of the MA day.

So reuniting 120 people after 3 years and then giving them near-limitless college own-label wine was never going to end prettily. I’m not saying it ended badly though, as we were whisked back 6 1/2 years to the times when work was forgotten, taxes were things that paid us, dessert was eaten without spoons (thanks Ollie) and wine went down in one gulp (and my word, did this stuff need downing).

Next step – making use of my free termly dinner 🙂

Fake degree day BC (before consumption)

Last Saturday my hard-earned BA disappeared into a puff of latin, to be replaced by that strangest of things, MA (Cantab). It was nice to meet up with people again, especially as our graduation had been fragmented by the 3-year / 4-year course length discrepancies. This was the first time since Matriculation that we’d had the chance to be photographed together, and how some people have changed (or not, surprisingly). Luckily I’ve managed to retain my ability to pull a ridiculous face when trying to smile, ably caught on camera this time round by Dad who was given a crash course in the DSLR and did a sterling job. Hence I present to you the first half of the photos, before the drinking started…